Just as promised, it's been two weeks and we I am super excited to finally show off the inspiration behind my chalkboard project! Some may think I'm doing this too early and that's okay, fortunately we all have our own lives to live as we chose, so here goes!!
Drumroll please.... ;)
6 Weeks! Craves sleep, breakfast, & food! Weight 137.4 (Pretty sure scale at work doesn't match doctor's office) |
Week 8! Craves: sleep, Ginger Ale :(, salads, & peanut butter. 134 lbs & we heard the heartbeat today! |
After the loss of Hall Baby Uno I have been so anxious about this pregnancy. We were so blessed to be pregnant so quickly and I know it's all part of God's plan for our growing family. In retrospect I really feel as if God was teaching me how to trust him through these last four months. His way was hard, but I always have learned best the hard way (just ask my parents of teenage me), and who better to know that than my Creator himself?! Although his lesson was hard it taught me a lot about blindly trusting the will of God in my life and how to listen to the Holy Spirit speak to me when no human words could comfort my soul. In the last couple days there have been little signs I felt God was sending me, scriptures that spoke of life, a sonogram picture on the mega screen at church yesterday as we honored human life, and the not so nice sign of morning (aka all day) sickness. I believe so deeply in God's timing and so when I flipped ahead to see my calendar for today I knew God was speaking to my nervous heart...
Jeremiah 29:11 has been a recurring verse in my life, it always pops up when I need to hear it most, so you can imagine my delight in seeing it on today's date, the day of our 1st appointment! And it stops! It doesn't even finish the verse, it leaves it hanging at "for good...." So perfect!
Today has been the best day of 2012 by far, not only did we get to go and see Baby Dos today, we were able to hear a heartbeat! That is the sweetest sound I've ever heard and today couldn't have been any better.
There is so much more I want to say about how gracious and loving our God is, but I am still so excited about today I feel as if I can't put sentences together because my mind keeps bouncing!
Welcome to our journey, and PRAISE the LORD for answered prayers!
"For this child I prayed and the Lord has granted my petition that I made to him"1 Samuel 1:27